Sub Branch

Gladesville RSL Sub Branch

Whilst closely affiliated, the Gladesville RSL Club Sub-Branch operates as a separate entity to the RSL Club and looks after the welfare of past and present service personnel and their families.

Individuals interested in joining the Sub-Branch must be a member of Gladesville RSL and Community Club before applying. Membership of the Sub-Branch is free. To become a member of the Sub-Branch simply download the application form below and bring it with you next time you visit the Club.


Gladesville RSL Sub Branch Committee Members

President: Jim Butt
Treasurer/Vice President: Jim Tyson
Registrar/Welfare: Vacant
NMDC: Jim Tyson
Secretary: Vacant
Womens Auxillary President: Enid Haslop
Womens Auxillary Vice President: Colleen Butt


Ph: 9816 2999 or 9264 8188 (RSL NSW Branch Head Office)